[{"title": "National Level Election", "start": "2022-11-20T00:00:00", "end": "2022-11-20T23:59:59", "description": "The government is holding federal and provincial polls in a single phase on November 20. Government employees have been also deployed for the polls.", "borderColor": "#ff0000", "allday": true}, {"title": "SAT Test", "start": "2022-12-03T00:00:00", "end": "2022-12-03T23:59:59", "description": "The SAT is an entrance exam used by most colleges and universities to make admissions decisions.", "borderColor": "#ffa500", "allday": true}, {"title": "Math Quiz Competition for Unit I", "start": "2022-12-07T00:00:00", "end": "2022-12-07T23:59:59", "description": "Maths quiz is a brief assessment used in education to measure growth in knowledge , abilities , and skills.", "borderColor": "#ff9000", "allday": true}, {"title": "Udhauli Parva", "start": "2022-12-08T00:00:00", "end": "2022-12-08T23:59:59", "description": "Udhauli (\u0909\u0927\u094c\u0932\u0940) is a festival of the Kirat communities of Kirati people specially celebrated by Sunuwar, Limbu, Yakkha, Khambu Rai etc. of Nepal.", "borderColor": "#008cff", "allday": true}, {"title": "RBS Model United Nations", "start": "2022-12-09T13:45:00", "end": "2022-12-11T23:45:00", "description": "Rato Bangala School was the first school in Nepal to launch a fully-fledged simulation of the Model UN conference in 2005.", "borderColor": "#00ddff", "allday": true}, {"title": "Math Quiz Competition for Unit II", "start": "2022-12-14T00:00:00", "end": "2022-12-14T23:59:59", "description": "Maths quiz is a brief assessment used in education to measure growth in knowledge , abilities , and skills", "borderColor": "#ae00ff", "allday": true}, {"title": "Media Literacy Week", "start": "2022-12-19T13:45:00", "end": "2022-12-22T23:45:00", "description": "", "borderColor": "#ff000c", "allday": true}, {"title": "Unit II Sports Day", "start": "2022-12-23T00:00:00", "end": "2022-12-23T23:59:59", "description": "Sports Day of Unit II will be held on 23 December 2022 for the students of grades VI to IX.", "borderColor": "#00d4ff", "allday": true}, {"title": "Winter Break starts", "start": "2022-12-25T13:45:00", "end": "2023-01-29T23:45:00", "description": "Please be informed that the school shall remain closed from 12/25/2022, Sunday to 01/29/2023, Sunday as Winter Vacation. The school shall resume on 30th Jan, Monday.", "borderColor": "#f2f2f1", "allday": true}, {"title": "Saraswati Puja", "start": "2023-01-26T13:45:00", "end": "2023-01-26T23:45:00", "description": "Vasant Panchami, also called Saraswati Puja in honor of the Hindu goddess Saraswati, is a festival that marks the preparation for the arrival of spring.", "borderColor": "#ff0000", "allday": true}, {"title": "Mahashivaratri", "start": "2023-02-14T13:45:00", "end": "2023-02-14T23:45:00", "description": "Maha Shivratri is predominantly a Hindu festival, celebrated annually in honour of Lord Shiva, the God of destruction.", "borderColor": "#0a1b1e", "allday": true}, {"title": "Holi", "start": "2023-02-16T13:45:00", "end": "2023-02-16T23:45:00", "description": "Happy holi", "borderColor": "#00ff11", "allday": true}, {"title": "Bal Sahitya Mahotsav 2023", "start": "2023-03-04T13:45:00", "end": "2023-03-04T23:45:00", "description": false, "borderColor": "#d05b5b", "allday": true}, {"title": "Term 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"allday": false}, {"title": "Secondary Education Examination (SEE)", "start": "2023-03-31T13:45:00", "end": "2023-04-09T23:45:00", "description": false, "borderColor": "#86ce58", "allday": true}, {"title": "New Year 2080", "start": "2023-04-14T00:00:00", "end": "2023-04-14T23:59:59", "description": false, "borderColor": "#c3ce58", "allday": true}, {"title": "Teacher's planning period for the new academic year", "start": "2023-04-17T13:45:00", "end": "2023-04-24T23:45:00", "description": false, "borderColor": "#d21c1c", "allday": true}, {"title": "New Academic Year starts_First day of School", "start": "2023-04-26T00:00:00", "end": "2023-04-26T23:59:59", "description": false, "borderColor": "#d05b5b", "allday": true}, {"title": "Orientation for Grade One and New parents", "start": "2023-05-08T12:26:49", "end": "2023-05-08T21:26:49", "description": false, "borderColor": "#d05b5b", "allday": false}, {"title": "Curriculum Meeting-Unit II", "start": "2023-05-14T13:45:00", "end": "2023-05-14T23:45:00", "description": false, "borderColor": "#d05b5b", "allday": true}, {"title": "Curriculum Meeting-Unit I and II", "start": "2023-05-18T13:45:00", "end": "2023-05-18T23:45:00", "description": false, "borderColor": "#d05b5b", "allday": true}, {"title": "Curriculum Meeting-Unit I", "start": "2023-05-19T13:45:00", "end": "2023-05-19T23:45:00", "description": false, "borderColor": "#d05b5b", "allday": true}, {"title": "Curriculum Meeting-Unit I", "start": "2023-05-23T13:45:00", "end": "2023-05-23T23:45:00", "description": false, "borderColor": "#d05b5b", "allday": true}, {"title": "Ganatantra Diwas- Holiday", "start": "2023-05-29T13:45:00", "end": "2023-05-29T23:45:00", "description": false, "borderColor": "#f3f450", "allday": true}, {"title": "Environment Week", "start": "2023-05-30T13:45:00", "end": "2023-06-05T23:45:00", "description": false, "borderColor": "#d05b5b", "allday": true}, {"title": "SAT Test", "start": "2023-06-03T13:45:00", "end": "2023-06-03T23:45:00", "description": false, "borderColor": "#d05b5b", "allday": true}, {"title": "Inter-House Futsal Competition- Grades V-VIII", "start": "2023-06-06T13:45:00", "end": "2023-06-06T23:45:00", "description": false, "borderColor": "#d05b5b", "allday": true}, {"title": "Inter School Futsal Competition (Grades VI \u2013 VIII)", "start": "2023-06-10T13:45:00", "end": "2023-06-11T23:45:00", "description": false, "borderColor": "#d05b5b", "allday": true}, {"title": "Graduation Ceremony of the class of 2023", "start": "2023-06-17T13:45:00", "end": "2023-06-17T23:45:00", "description": false, "borderColor": "#d05b5b", "allday": true}, {"title": "A-Level Orientation Week", "start": "2023-06-19T13:45:00", "end": "2023-06-23T23:45:00", "description": false, "borderColor": "#d05b5b", "allday": true}, {"title": "PTA-PR Get together", "start": "2023-06-25T13:45:00", "end": "2023-06-25T23:45:00", "description": false, "borderColor": "#d05b5b", "allday": true}, {"title": "A1 class begins", "start": "2023-06-26T13:45:00", "end": "2023-06-26T23:45:00", "description": false, "borderColor": "#d05b5b", "allday": true}, {"title": "Sports Competition (Kickball) \u2013 Grades III and IV", "start": "2023-06-28T13:45:00", "end": "2023-06-28T23:45:00", "description": false, "borderColor": "#d05b5b", "allday": true}, {"title": "Futsal Competition (Grades V - VIII)", "start": "2023-07-03T13:45:00", "end": "2023-07-03T23:45:00", "description": false, "borderColor": "#d05b5b", "allday": true}, {"title": "Inter-House KhoKho competition (Grades VI-VIII)", "start": "2023-07-03T13:45:00", "end": "2023-07-03T23:45:00", "description": false, "borderColor": "#d05b5b", "allday": true}, {"title": "Table Tennis Competition (Grades V - VIII)", "start": "2023-07-04T13:45:00", "end": "2023-07-04T23:45:00", "description": false, "borderColor": "#d05b5b", "allday": true}, {"title": "Sports Competition (Futsal) Grades II - V", "start": "2023-07-04T13:45:00", "end": "2023-07-04T23:45:00", "description": false, "borderColor": "#d05b5b", "allday": true}, {"title": "Assembly of Grade VII", "start": "2023-07-07T13:45:00", "end": "2023-07-07T23:45:00", "description": false, "borderColor": "#d05b5b", "allday": true}, {"title": "Bhanu Jayanti-Poetry Recitation Competition", "start": "2023-07-09T13:45:00", "end": "2023-07-09T23:45:00", "description": false, "borderColor": "#d05b5b", "allday": true}, {"title": "Study leave for Grades IX and X", "start": "2023-07-10T13:45:00", "end": "2023-07-11T23:45:00", "description": false, "borderColor": "#fcf540", "allday": true}, {"title": "Term 1 Exam for Grades IX and X", "start": "2023-07-12T13:45:00", "end": "2023-07-25T23:45:00", "description": false, "borderColor": "#1442ea", "allday": true}, {"title": "Term 1 Exam for Grades VI-VIII", "start": "2023-07-19T13:45:00", "end": "2023-07-25T23:45:00", "description": false, "borderColor": "#7827ae", "allday": true}, {"title": "Term 1 Exam Grade V", "start": "2023-07-20T13:45:00", "end": "2023-07-25T23:45:00", "description": false, "borderColor": "#d05b5b", "allday": true}, {"title": "Term 1 Exam for Grades III and IV", "start": "2023-07-21T13:45:00", "end": "2023-07-25T23:45:00", "description": false, "borderColor": "#199413", "allday": true}, {"title": "Break for students", "start": "2023-07-26T13:45:00", "end": "2023-08-02T23:45:00", "description": false, "borderColor": "#fcf540", "allday": true}, {"title": "Break for Preschool Students", "start": "2023-07-29T13:45:00", "end": "2023-08-02T23:45:00", "description": false, "borderColor": "#d05b5b", "allday": true}, {"title": "Report Card and PTC", "start": "2023-07-30T13:45:00", "end": "2023-07-30T23:45:00", "description": false, "borderColor": "#d05b5b", "allday": true}, {"title": "Report Card and PTC", "start": "2023-07-31T13:45:00", "end": "2023-07-31T23:45:00", "description": false, "borderColor": "#d05b5b", "allday": true}, {"title": "Break for Pre-school", "start": "2023-08-01T13:45:00", "end": "2023-08-02T23:45:00", "description": false, "borderColor": "#fcf540", "allday": true}, {"title": "Term II classes begin for students Grades I to X", "start": "2023-08-03T13:45:00", "end": "2023-08-03T23:45:00", "description": false, "borderColor": "#d05b5b", "allday": true}, {"title": "Grade IV Hike to Jamacho, Nagarjun", "start": "2023-08-13T00:00:00", "end": "2023-08-13T23:59:59", "description": false, "borderColor": "#d05b5b", "allday": true}, {"title": "Poetry Week", "start": "2023-08-14T13:45:00", "end": "2023-08-18T23:45:00", "description": false, "borderColor": "#d05b5b", "allday": true}, {"title": "Science Quiz", "start": "2023-08-15T00:00:00", "end": "2023-08-15T23:59:59", "description": false, "borderColor": "#d05b5b", "allday": true}, {"title": "Inter-school Girls Futsal Competition", "start": "2023-08-19T13:45:00", "end": "2023-08-20T23:45:00", "description": false, "borderColor": "#d05b5b", "allday": true}, {"title": "SAT Examination", "start": "2023-08-26T13:45:00", "end": "2023-08-26T23:45:00", "description": false, "borderColor": "#d05b5b", "allday": true}, {"title": "Inter School Boys Futsal Competition", "start": "2023-08-27T13:45:00", "end": "2023-08-28T23:45:00", "description": false, "borderColor": "#d05b5b", "allday": true}, {"title": "Janai Purnima-Holiday", "start": "2023-08-31T13:45:00", "end": "2023-08-31T23:45:00", "description": false, "borderColor": "#f3f450", "allday": true}, {"title": "Assembly and Pot-luck for Grades III & IV", "start": "2023-09-03T13:45:00", "end": "2023-09-03T23:45:00", "description": false, "borderColor": "#d05b5b", "allday": true}, {"title": "Assembly Grade VIII A & B", "start": "2023-09-08T13:45:00", "end": "2023-09-08T23:45:00", "description": false, "borderColor": "#d05b5b", "allday": true}, {"title": "Grade VII Hike to Champadevi", "start": "2023-09-10T00:00:00", "end": "2023-09-10T23:59:59", "description": false, "borderColor": "#d05b5b", "allday": true}, {"title": "Inter-house Basketball Tournament Grades IV - VIII", "start": "2023-09-12T13:45:00", "end": "2023-09-12T23:45:00", "description": false, "borderColor": "#d05b5b", "allday": true}, {"title": "Nepali Poetry Recitation Competition (Unit I & II)", "start": "2023-09-14T13:45:00", "end": "2023-09-14T23:45:00", "description": false, "borderColor": "#d05b5b", "allday": true}, {"title": "IGCSE Mock Exam - English (Paper 2)", "start": "2023-09-15T13:45:00", "end": "2023-09-15T23:45:00", "description": false, "borderColor": "#d05b5b", "allday": true}, {"title": "Teej-Holiday", "start": "2023-09-18T13:45:00", "end": "2023-09-18T23:45:00", "description": false, "borderColor": "#f3f450", "allday": true}, {"title": "IGCSE Mock Exam Coordinated Sciences (Paper 4)", "start": "2023-09-19T13:45:00", "end": "2023-09-19T23:45:00", "description": false, "borderColor": "#d05b5b", "allday": true}, {"title": "Sambidhan Diwas-Holiday", "start": "2023-09-20T13:45:00", "end": "2023-09-20T23:45:00", "description": false, "borderColor": "#f3f450", "allday": true}, {"title": "Kho-kho Competition (Grades II - V)", "start": "2023-09-21T13:45:00", "end": "2023-09-21T23:45:00", "description": false, "borderColor": "#d05b5b", "allday": true}, {"title": "IGCSE Mock Exam \u2013 Coordinated Sciences (Paper 6)", "start": "2023-09-21T13:45:00", "end": "2023-09-21T23:45:00", "description": false, "borderColor": "#d05b5b", "allday": true}, {"title": "IGCSE Mock Exam\u2013 Coordinated Sciences (Paper2)", "start": "2023-09-22T13:45:00", "end": "2023-09-22T23:45:00", "description": false, "borderColor": "#d05b5b", "allday": true}, {"title": "Pre-school Mid-term Report Card", "start": "2023-09-22T13:45:00", "end": "2023-09-22T23:45:00", "description": false, "borderColor": "#d05b5b", "allday": true}, {"title": "Assembly Grade VI A & B", "start": "2023-09-22T13:45:00", "end": "2023-09-22T23:45:00", "description": false, "borderColor": "#d05b5b", "allday": true}, {"title": "IGSCE Mock Exam- English (Paper 3)", "start": "2023-09-22T13:45:00", "end": "2023-09-22T23:45:00", "description": false, "borderColor": "#d05b5b", "allday": true}, {"title": "Inter-school Basketball Tournament", "start": "2023-09-23T13:45:00", "end": "2023-09-24T23:45:00", "description": false, "borderColor": "#d05b5b", "allday": true}, {"title": "Pre-school Mid-term: PTC", "start": "2023-09-24T13:45:00", "end": "2023-09-24T23:45:00", "description": false, "borderColor": "#d05b5b", "allday": true}, {"title": "Indra Jatra Celebration- Grade IV", "start": "2023-09-29T13:45:00", "end": "2023-09-29T23:45:00", "description": false, "borderColor": "#d05b5b", "allday": true}, {"title": "Power of Parenting Masterclass", "start": "2023-09-30T02:00:00", "end": "2023-09-30T05:00:00", "description": false, "borderColor": "#d05b5b", "allday": false}, {"title": "CIE Exam- English General Paper (8021/12) for A Level", "start": "2023-10-02T13:45:00", "end": "2023-10-02T23:45:00", "description": false, "borderColor": "#d05b5b", "allday": true}, {"title": "IGCSE Mock Exams report for Grade X", "start": "2023-10-02T13:45:00", "end": "2023-10-02T23:45:00", "description": false, "borderColor": "#d05b5b", "allday": true}, {"title": "CIE Exam: Environmental Management (8291/12) for A Level", "start": "2023-10-03T13:45:00", "end": "2023-10-03T23:45:00", "description": false, "borderColor": "#d05b5b", "allday": true}, {"title": "CIE Exam: English General Paper (8021/22) for A Level", "start": "2023-10-04T13:45:00", "end": "2023-10-04T23:45:00", "description": false, "borderColor": "#d05b5b", "allday": true}, {"title": "Inter-House kickball tournament (Unit II)", "start": "2023-10-04T13:45:00", "end": "2023-10-04T23:45:00", "description": false, "borderColor": "#d05b5b", "allday": true}, {"title": "CIE Exam: Environmental Management (8291/22) for A Level", "start": "2023-10-05T13:45:00", "end": "2023-10-05T23:45:00", "description": false, "borderColor": "#d05b5b", "allday": true}, {"title": "Science Fair- Unit II", "start": "2023-10-06T13:45:00", "end": "2023-10-06T23:45:00", "description": false, "borderColor": "#d05b5b", "allday": true}, {"title": "SAT Examination", "start": "2023-10-07T13:45:00", "end": "2023-10-07T23:45:00", "description": false, "borderColor": "#d05b5b", "allday": true}, {"title": "Grade VIII Hike to Phulchowki", "start": "2023-10-08T00:00:00", "end": "2023-10-08T23:59:59", "description": false, "borderColor": "#d05b5b", "allday": true}, {"title": "PSAT Mock Exam", "start": "2023-10-08T13:45:00", "end": "2023-10-08T23:45:00", "description": false, "borderColor": "#d05b5b", "allday": true}, {"title": "Assembly of Kindergarten", "start": "2023-10-11T13:45:00", "end": "2023-10-11T23:45:00", "description": false, "borderColor": "#d05b5b", "allday": true}, {"title": "CIE IGCSE Exam \u2013 Coordinated Sciences (0654/42) for Grade X (Morning)", "start": "2023-10-12T13:45:00", "end": "2023-10-12T23:45:00", "description": false, "borderColor": "#d05b5b", "allday": true}, {"title": "CIE IGCSE Exam: First Language English (0500/12) for Grade X 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